Parkside News
Recent Blogposts
Stepping Out in Faith
For two young mothers from Mongolia, a once-in-a-lifetime journey to Cleveland, Ohio, meant that their young children would receive life-saving heart surgery in the United States through the Children’s Heart Project, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse.
Building Connections Through English and Coffee
Forty-two hours of travel isn’t the most ideal way to begin a ten-day long missions trip. With three plane rides and a 12-hour layover in another European country in their sights, the team set off. Comprised of various ages, occupations, and stages of life, they were brought together by one common goal: the desire to make Christ known in a country that desperately needed Him.
The team of young adults were headed to Skopje (SKOP-ee-ya), Macedonia, to teach English to the people there. Only three had experienced teaching a class before, and one of those was a pastor! The anticipation of what was to come brought many worries and questions from the rest. What would teaching the class look like? Would anyone even be willing to meet with them? Would they be able to share the gospel, and how would they do it?