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Easter Book Recommendations
As Easter Sunday approaches, we encourage you to take time for personal reflection or family discussion to consider the events and meaning surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Here are three resources we recommend to help you look at Easter with a fresh perspective.
December Book Recommendations
During this hectic holiday season, we would like to recommend three books to help you pause, reflect, and focus on the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Stepping Out in Faith
For two young mothers from Mongolia, a once-in-a-lifetime journey to Cleveland, Ohio, meant that their young children would receive life-saving heart surgery in the United States through the Children’s Heart Project, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse.
Walk with Jesus During His Last Week on Earth
On March 29, AD 33, Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem and boldly predicted that he would soon be put to death―executed on a cross, like a common criminal. So began the most important week of the most important person who ever lived.
Volunteer to Serve at Basics
Can you serve with us at this year's Basics conference for pastors?
Serving One Another...Connecting Generations
Location: The Venue
Start Time: Sat 9, March 2019, noon
End Time: Sat 9, March 2019, 1 p.m.
Sallie and Bob Newcomb have attended every pancake breakfast since they began in 2011, but not because they have a particular love of pancakes.
Reaching the Ends of the Earth Through Prayer
Each month, Parkside Church publishes a Missions Prayer Calendar that features the prayer requests of a Parkside-supported missionary or organization, as well as information about different countries throughout the world and how you can pray for the people there.
Devoting Time to Prayer
As a church, we are all familiar with the prayers that take place regularly throughout our Sunday worship services; however, it is Parkside’s desire to be more intentional about praying together as a church family.
Taking the Next Step in Lake County
Dear Friends, the time is upon us [in Lake County] to take the next step in our church.
Recommended Reading for December
Three Recommendations for Christmas
We'd love to recommend three books to you during the Christmas season. We hope that you'll read one, give a copy to a friend, and talk about it over coffee or a meal.
Child in the Manger by Sinclair FergusonPrepare Him Room: Celebrating the Birth of Jesus Family Devotional by Marty Machowski
Christmas Playlist by Alistair Begg