The Collins Family
Wes and Nancy have served with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Guatemala, Peru, and the United States.
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Wes & Nancy November 2024 Prayer Requests
Dear ones,
Greetings from a serious Southern Baptist Church in Wake Forest (that we attend). Those guys are all in—both men and women. Like you, they know how to encourage.
Our relationship with Parkside goes way back. Thank you so much. And Parkside’s trips to Comitancillo, Guatemala were precious. Thanks for including us in your plans and prayers.
Even now you continue to plant seeds and grow others in Christ. The changes are deep, particularly in us and in the lives of the Mam people. You have been most generous in remembering and encouraging us in the midst of my journey with Parkinson’s and Nancy’s [heart] surgery.
Thanks for remembering our brothers Byron and Miriam, Samuel and Maria. They have been faithful. Your support has encouraged them and please continue to remember them in your prayers as they continue to spread His gospel in Comitancillo.
Love and blessings to you always.
Wes and Nancy
Wes & Nancy October 2024 Prayer Requests
* Please pray for our Christian testimony to be loving, bold and clear with the Parkinson’s support group that we attend.
* Please continue to pray for widespread use of the Bible in Mam in Guatemala as well as those who are ministering the Word via the Scriptures or radio.
Love and blessings,
Nancy and Wes -
Wes & Nancy September 2024 Prayer Requests
We are doing well. We’ve been back in our home a little over two weeks. Back to doing normal chores, except for heavy lifting. Just waiting for the incision site to completely heal, which may take a bit longer.
So appreciative of Parkside. They have truly been by our side through every event these past couple of years. Never had so much packed into a time frame like this before, that’s for sure!
As far as prayer requests, we are praying for Wes’ neurology appointment(s) to have some wisdom on how to improve his memory, and for continued healing after my surgery…more energy and continued strength.
Also, pray always for Byron and others involved in the ministry in Comitancillo, Guatemala. We’d sure like to see that area explode with a love for the gospel and to be spreading it.
-Nancy and Wes