Parkside News
2019 Annual Meeting and 2018 Annual Report
On October 6, please join us during our evening service for our annual meeting. Reports for the 2018 year are available in all the info racks as well as for download here.
A Word from the Elders
On behalf of the Elders, I want to thank you for your commitment to serving Jesus Christ and His local church here at Parkside. We are grateful for your partnership in seeing unbelieving people become committed followers of Jesus Christ. As we reflect on 2018, our hearts are filled with thankfulness as we see all that God has done. Through your prayers, your giving, and your serving, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is being made known. This work is happening locally in our communities, regionally in our church plants and church partners, and globally through our mission partners.
As your elders, we regularly pray for all of you at Parkside thanking God for you. When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, He explained in Matthew 22: “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. The second being “you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” In 2018, the elders sensed that we are all, with God’s enabling, learning to love our Triune God the most and then learning to love the believers and unbelievers God has placed around us, as He has loved us. This gives all of us the opportunity to go and tell the reason for our hope in Christ. As we learn to do that, we are fulfilling the Great Commission that God has given to every believer, in Matthew 28: “to go and make disciples of all nations.” As a church family, we are also continuing to do that by praying daily for our missionaries and a different country each day in our prayer calendar.
As you review the financial summary in this report, I hope you will join the Elders in rejoicing in God’s goodness as He once again supplied abundantly to us as a church family. God has truly done more than we could have ever asked or imagined.
As we look outward on a regional basis, our church plant in Green has become a church partner (meaning they are an independent, local church). God has provided a building to house both our Shoreline and Westside church plants. These churches continue to grow and to spread the Gospel in all three locations. As we look to the year ahead, please join us in praying for God to continue to raise up and send out our pastors to do more church plants and see the Gospel spread throughout our region and our country.
We also want to highlight that our Equipping Servants ministry (ESI) is now operating in 13 countries. They are currently training 2,200 pastors and church leaders to study, live, and preach God’s Word. Another highlight of this past year is the translation of the six dialects of the Quechua language and the celebration of the printing of the Bible in Peru. The translation of the New Testament and now the completion of the Old Testament in the Mam language were also celebrated in Guatelmala. These people in faraway locations now have the Bible in their own language. This gives us a confident hope that through God’s Word and God’s Spirit we will see the Gospel spread in Guatemala, Peru, and to the ends of the earth.
In 2018, God has once again honored the preaching and teaching of His word in making, maturing, and mobilizing disciples. The Lord continues to use our pastoral residency and missionary training ministries as a pipeline to further equip, encourage, and send out young men to preach God’s Word and shepherd God’s people.
God’s work on earth continues, as He has given all of us the privilege to be a part of the greatest story ever told: God’s story. This is the good news that is ours in Jesus Christ. We all have an equal opportunity to go and make disciples through our prayers, our participation, and our giving. It is such a vital encouragement to know that our Lord Jesus is always with us, and that He who began this good work in us will carry it on to completion.
In closing, I want you to know that the Elders thank God for you as we pray for you and our partnership in the Gospel.
In Christ,
Steve Terrell