High School Students
High School Student Impact | Thursdays, 7-9pm l The Warehouse
Student Impact (most commonly referred to as ‘SI’) is our regular midweek gathering at The Warehouse, our off-site youth facility (31200 Solon Rd. Solon, OH 44139) on Thursday nights. We open The Warehouse early at 6pm for free time before everything gets going at 7:00pm. The first week of each month we have small groups, and the rest of the month we meet for Student Impact at the Warehouse.
- Small Group | Every student is assigned to a small group. These small groups are grade and gender specific and led by multiple AMT leaders. On the first Thursday of the month, each small group will meet in a local home and work through a study on a book of the Bible or biblical topic, followed by prayer and fellowship. If you don't know where your student's small group meets, email us at students@parksidechurch.com.
- Large Group | On large group nights, we will begin the night with time in fellowship and a large group game, and then make some announcements about upcoming events and opportunities. One of the pastors or pastoral residents will then give a Bible teaching to the larger group. This is followed by a short time of discussion and reflection in small groups.
Register here for small groups so we know to expect you!
Student Impact Spring 2025 Study Schedule
Coffee Connections | 10-10:30am | B005
Coffee connections is an informal hangout time for high school students on Sunday mornings between services. Meet in the High School Sunday Morning Group room between services for coffee and fellowship with other high school studentse every Sunday beginning September 8.
Sunday Morning Group | 10:30am-11:30am | B005
Each week high school students meet to study God’s Word, pray, and build friendships. Click here to register for Sunday Morning Group so we know to expect you.
We encourage students to also attend service with their family during the 9am service so that they can participate in the life of the church.
The Gathering | 7:30pm | The Residents' House: 18583 Root Rd, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
High school students are invited for a hangout after evening service at The Residents' house, once a month; usually after the communion evening service. See the calendar for future dates.