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Welcome. We're glad you're here. We'll be happy to assist you in getting to know us, and getting you or your family connected to Parkside in ways that are both helpful and meaningful.
Service Times & Directions
Each of our Sunday morning services is identical and includes a time of worship through singing, prayer, Scripture reading, and learning from the Bible.
9:00am | Morning Worship (Nursery Provided), Children & Adult Classes
10:30am | Morning Worship (Nursery Provided), Children & Adult Classes
6:00pm | Evening Worship (Nursery Provided), Children's Classes
Meet Our Team
Each of our pastors, elders, and support team members serve together and depend on one another’s gifting in the pursuit of our mission to see unbelieving people become committed followers of Christ. Learn more about them.
Listen to a Recent Sermon
Watch or listen to a recent sermon from Senior Pastor Alistair Begg. In addition to sermons, our online Media Center contains Bible studies, seminars, and other media from across all Parkside ministries.
Have Children?
Nursery ministry is provided on Sunday mornings for children birth through 24 months. Parents will find the nursery a safe and welcoming place for their young children to be while they attend worship.
The Sunday morning children's ministry of Parkside Church is focused on assisting parents in training up a child in the things of God. Preschool (ages 2- Kindergarten) and Elementary children (grades 1-5) learn God's Word through music and worship, Bible lessons and age-appropriate games and activities.
Sign Up for the Insider
Subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter, The Insider. Here you'll find announcements, events, and stories from Parkside.
What's Next?
Looking for a deeper connection at Parkside? Visit our Getting Connected page to find out more.