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11-15-10 Mon and Thurs - Men's Fall 2010 Bible Study
Week 9, The Flesh & The Spirit, Galatians 5:16-25, Mickey Aquilino
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11-08-10 Mon and Thurs - Men's Fall 2010 Bible Study
Week 8, True & False Religion, Galatians 5:1-15, Mickey Aquilino
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11-01-10 Mon and Thurs - Men's Fall 2010 Bible Study
Week 7, Celebrating Freedom, Galatians 4:21-31, Mickey Aquilino
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10-25-10 Mon and Thurs - Men's Fall 2010 Bible Study
Week 6, Children of God, Galatians 4:1-20, Mickey Aquilino
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10-18-10 Mon and Thurs - Men's Fall 2010 Bible Study
Week 5, The Gift of the Law, Galatians 3:15-29, Mickey Aquilino
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10-11-10 Mon and Thurs - Men's Fall 2010 Bible Study
Week 4, Faith and Works, Galations 3:1-14, Mickey Aquilino
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09-27-10 Mon and Thurs - Men's Fall 2010 Bible Study
Week 3, Only One Gospel/Facing Conflict, Galations 2:1-21, Mickey Aquilino
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09-20-10 Mon and Thurs - Men's Fall 2010 Bible Study
Week 2, Radical Change, Galations 1:11-24, Mickey Aquilino
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09-13-10 Mon and Thurs - Men's Fall 2010 Bible Study
Week 1, Introduction: False Teachers and Faithless Christians, Galations 1:1-10, Mickey Aquilino