Men's Bible Study - Winter 2025
We invite you to participate in our Bible Study this winter, Shadows of Jesus: How the Old Testament Points Forward to Christ. Together we'll be exploring how the individuals, offices, events, and institutions of the Old Testament point us toward the person and work of Jesus Christ.
This study will be a great opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with other men in our church as we study God's Word together. All groups start with small group discussions in various classrooms and conclude with a large group teaching time in the Venue. Every participant will be given a study guide and assigned to a small group and leader.
Studies will begin meeting again the week of January 13 and are free to join.
If you would like to make a donation to help cover material costs, you can do so when you register.
Winter/Spring Schedule
Mondays, 7PM
1/13 - Recap
1/20 - A Better Prophet
1/27 - A Better Priest
2/3 - A Better King
2/10 - A Better Shepherd
2/17 - A Better Rescue
2/24 - Fellowship
3/3 - A Better Substitute
3/10 - A Better Deliverance
3/17 - A Better Rock
3/24 - A Better Cure
3/31 - A Better Marriage
4/7 - Evangelism
4/14 - Easter
4/21 - A Better Meal
4/28 - A Better Sanctuary
Men's Bible Study
Winter 2025 Group/Room Assignments
Group Leader(s) Room
Table 1 Barry Taylor B011
Table 2 Don Kautzman The Venue
Tom Davis
Table 3 Bruce Benning A219
Table 4 Steve Reno B005
Robert Jones
Table 5 Dan Polasky B012
Table 6 Don Richards B211
Table 7 Mike Joyce B212
Zhida Zhu
Table 8 CJ Holmes A221
Table 9 Ryan Loague A222
Table 10 Gerald McMichael B207
Table 11 Carl Anderson B006
George Zilich
Table 12 Gale Kenney B013
Phil Gard