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Make a Difference Service Project Photos!
Our Parkside Church photographer, Julie Hahn, was present at the Make a Difference Dinner on July 19 to take pictures of the gift baskets being assembled for residents at Holly Hill Healthcare Residence. Baskets were delivered July 31.
Ohio Star Theater Show & Dinner
Location: Ohio Star Theater, 1387 Old Rt. 39, Sugarcreek, OH 44681
Start Time: Sat 24, Aug. 2019, 1 p.m.
End Time: Sat 24, Aug. 2019, 6 p.m.
Join us Saturday, August 24 for a day in Ohio Amish country!
We have reserved a block of seats at the Ohio Star Theater in Sugarcreek, OH to see the musical A Simple Sanctuary at 1:00 pm, followed by a family-style dinner at the Dutch Valley Restaurant, just a few steps across the parking lot!
"Pray Big" Audio now Available!
The talk that Alistair Begg gave at the Pray Big Dinner on June 28 is now available.
You can listen to it here online OR order a CD copy of the message from Truth For Life by calling 1-888-588-7884 and asking for message #3372 titled, "The Attitude of Prayer" (Luke 11:5-13).
Make a Difference Dinner & Service Project 2019
Location: The Venue at Parkside Church
Start Time: Fri 19, July 2019, 6:30 p.m.
End Time: Fri 19, July 2019, 8:30 p.m.
Join us on Friday, July 19 as we strive to share God's love and make a difference in the lives of those living at Holly Hill Healthcare Residence. We will enjoy a catered dinner together and then assemble gift baskets of encouragement for residents.
The event will be held in the Venue at Parkside Church at 6:30 pm. Cost is $10 per person.
Together we can make a difference!
Register online below or pick up a form at any information center. You may also register in person at the table outside the Venue on Sunday morning, July 14.
"Pray Big" Dinner with Alistair Begg
Location: Parkside Church Commons
Start Time: Fri 28, June 2019, 6:30 p.m.
End Time: Fri 28, June 2019, 8:30 p.m.
Prayer comes hard to most of us, in most seasons. And when we do pray, we often don't know what to say. What is it that our Father loves to hear about? What are the best things we could pray for our families, our church, and ourselves?
Join Sojourners (50+) for dinner on June 28 at 6:30 pm in the Commons, followed by a talk from Pastor Alistair Begg. Speaking on the topic of his latest book, Alistair will address the important subject of prayer.
Cost is $10.00 per person. *Update 6/24: We are out of meal tickets. You are welcome to come and listen to the talk at no cost, but eat prior to coming or bring your own meal. There is no waitlist available for meals. Please still register online so we have a count for seating.
Register online below or pick-up a form at any info center beginning June 2. You may also register at the table outside the Venue on Sunday morning, June 23.
Akron RubberDucks Dinner & Game
Location: Canal Park, 300 South Main Street Akron, OH 44308
Start Time: Fri 24, May 2019, 8:45 p.m.
End Time: Sat 25, May 2019, 1 a.m.
Bring a Friend!!!
Invite a friend for an evening in The Duck Club at Canal Park for dinner and to cheer on the Akron RubberDucks baseball team on Friday, May 24! The RubberDucks are the Double A affiliate of the Cleveland Indians.
We have reserved The Duck Club suite for this event. The Duck Club features a chef-driven catering menu, state-of-the-art AV and unprecedented views of Canal Park. Seating for the game is located in the club area and includes both indoor and outdoor patio choices. Cost is $36.00 per person. Dinner will be served 5:45-7:35 pm. Game time is 6:35 pm. Event will take place rain or shine.
Missions Night Dinner with Mike & Joan Ross
Location: Parkside Church Commons
Start Time: Fri 26, April 2019, 9:30 p.m.
End Time: Fri 26, April 2019, 11:30 p.m.
Join us on April 26 at 6:30 pm for dinner, followed by a presentation from Parkside missionaries, Mike & Joan Ross. Mike is a pilot with Missions Aviation Fellowship (MAF)and he & Joan have served for the last several years in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Cost is $10.00 per person.
Register online below or pick-up a registration form from any information center beginning March 24. A registration table will also be outside the Venue on Sunday morning, April 21.
Serving One Another...Connecting Generations
Location: The Venue
Start Time: Sat 9, March 2019, noon
End Time: Sat 9, March 2019, 1 p.m.
Sallie and Bob Newcomb have attended every pancake breakfast since they began in 2011, but not because they have a particular love of pancakes.
Sojourners/GEO Kidz Pancake Breakfast
Location: The Venue at Parkside Church
Start Time: Sat 9, March 2019, noon
End Time: Sat 9, March 2019, 1 p.m.
Join us for the first Sojourners event of 2019! Adults in the second season of life are invited to a free pancake breakfast on Saturday, March 9 provided by the kids and parents involved in our GEO Kidz ministry. The breakfast will take place at 9am in The Venue.
Sojourners' Christmas Celebration 2018
Location: The Commons at Parkside Church
Start Time: Fri 14, Dec. 2018, 9:30 p.m.
End Time: Sat 15, Dec. 2018, midnight
Adults of all ages are invited to come for a festive time of Christmas celebration on Friday, December 14 at 6:30 pm in The Commons.
A catered dinner will be served followed by live jazz music performed by Mickey Aquilino and friends.
Cost is $10 per person. Semi-formal dress encouraged.
Bring a friend and join us!