

Women's Morning Bible Study

9:30AM: Thu, Sep 12, 2013 - Thu, Nov 21, 2013 11:30AM

Location: Fellowship Hall

The Thursday morning Bible studies begin with a large teaching time followed by breakouts into small groups for discussion, fellowship and prayer. We will be studying the Book of Isaiah. The cost is $5 for the study guide and an additional $5 for an Essence notebook. There is free childcare available for newborns through age 5 only. It is understood that each participant will take a turn in the nursery to "share the load" and serve one another. Women of all ages and stages of life are encouraged to attend. We meet on Thursday mornings from 9:30-11:30 a.m. This study is also geared toward Moms who home-school their children. A program is available in the Lower Level for those children to also study God's Word at no extra charge as long as Mom is enrolled in the Women's study.

More Info: http://www.parksidechurch.com/ministries/life-stages/women/news/2013/8/5/fall-2013-womens-thursday-morning-bible-study/
