

Thursday 2014 Women's Bible Study

9:30AM: Thu, Apr 3, 2014 - Thu, May 8, 2014 11:30AM

Location: Fellowship Hall

The Thursday morning Bible studies begin with a large teaching time followed by breakouts into small groups for discussion, fellowship and prayer. We will continue studying the Book of Isaiah. The cost is $5 for the study guide and an additional $5 for an Essence notebook. There is free childcare available for newborns through age 5 only. It is understood that each participant will take a turn in the nursery to "share the load" and serve one another. Women of all ages and stages of life are encouraged to attend. We meet on Thursday mornings from 9:30-11:30 a.m. This study is also geared toward Moms who home-school their children. A program is available in the Lower Level for those children to also study God's Word at no extra charge as long as Mom is enrolled in the Women's study.
