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Event Cancellations-Feb. 6
The following events are cancelled for February 6 due to the inclement weather:
- Women's Thursday Morning Bible Study
Women's Bible Study - Winter 2025
We invite you to participate in our Bible Study this winter, Shadows of Jesus: How the Old Testament Points Forward to Christ. Together we'll be exploring how the individuals, offices, events, and institutions of the Old Testament point us toward the person and work of Jesus Christ. Throughout the year we'll study the various Old Testament types and shadows of Jesus that help us to better understand who he is and what he has done for us.
Women's Bible Study - Fall 2024
Location: The Venue
Start Time: Mon 16, Sept. 2024, 7 p.m.
End Time: Wed 4, Sept. 2024, 7:23 p.m.
We invite you to participate in our Bible Study this fall, Shadows of Jesus: How the Old Testament Points Forward to Christ. Together we'll be exploring how the individuals, offices, events, and institutions of the Old Testament point us toward the person and work of Jesus Christ. Throughout the year we'll study the various Old Testament types and shadows of Jesus that help us to better understand who he is and what he has done for us.
2024-2025 Bible Studies
We invite you to participate in our Bible Study this fall, Shadows of Jesus: How the Old Testament Points Forward to Christ. Together we'll be exploring how the individuals, offices, events, and institutions of the Old Testament point us toward the person and work of Jesus Christ. Throughout the year we'll study the various Old Testament types and shadows of Jesus that help us to better understand who he is and what he has done for us.
Nancy Guthrie Biblical Theology Workshop for Women
Location: The Parkside Auditorium
Start Time: Sat 7, Sept. 2024, 8 a.m.
End Time: Sat 7, Sept. 2024, 3 p.m.
Do you ever read the Bible and have a sense that there is a deeper meaning or significance to what you are reading? Join us for a one-day workshop with Nancy Guthrie where we’ll review the Bible’s key events and major sections and tell the story of the Bible through the lens of one of its important themes.
Bible Studies for Men and Women - Fall 2022
Men's and women's Bible studies will start the week of September 19. Both groups will be studying Romans 1-8. Registration details will be coming soon.
Women of the Word Workshop
Location: Venue
Start Time: Sat 20, Aug. 2022, 9 a.m.
End Time: Sat 20, Aug. 2022, 12:30 p.m.
All women are invited to a half day workshop where we will examine ways to help you understand the Bible as you seek to study and apply God's Word to your life. Learn more and register at parksidechurch.com/workshop.
2022 Women's Spring Bible Studies
Location: The Venue
Start Time: Tue 15, March 2022, 7 p.m.
End Time: Thu 28, April 2022, 11:30 a.m.
All women are invited to join our weekly Bible Studies this Spring 2022 as we move on to study Psalms. This study is offered Tuesday evenings or Thursday mornings. It is an identical study to enable you to choose the best day and time to attend. All groups will meet in the Venue and will then break into small groups for discussion, prayer, and fellowship. You can register the first time you attend study if you are new to the study; fall and winter participants do not need to re-register. There is no cost to attend.
Weather Updates 2022
Please check here to see if your event has been impacted by weather.
Cancelled Events: February 3, 2022- Women's Bible Study
- GEO Kids
- Student Impact
A Call to Belong
When a local family hosted a game night in Aurora last August, no one anticipated what would develop from the evening. Less than 24 hours after Anthony and Kayleigh Finelli received an unexpected diagnosis about their son, they attended the game night and shared the news. The response was overwhelming, with the group turning to prayer on behalf of the Finelli family. After that night, the group decided that they should study the Bible together and Joshua Wallace reached out to Dan Larison to become a Community Group leader.
For the Finellis, the Community Group has opened their eyes to what it means to belong to the church. “We have a large Christian family who live locally and we tend to lean on them for prayer, encouragement, and spiritual guidance. But the support we have received from this group has shown us that also being a part of the body of Christ is important. It feels like an extension of the family.” Read More >