The 21st Century Woman Series-Part 2
Location: Venue
Start Time: Sat 1, Feb. 2020, 9 a.m.
End Time: Sat 1, Feb. 2020, 11:30 a.m.
The 21st Century Woman: Timeless Truths for a Modern World
All women, aged 15 and older, are invited to attend this three-part series about being a woman who honors God and follows Christ in the 21st Century. On three Saturdays, from 9am to 11:30am, we’ll study what the Bible’s enduring truths say about modern Christian womanhood and consider what that means in small group discussion.
Session 1: Who Am I? | October 26, 2019
Join us as we consider how we were created, why we exist, and what that says about who we are now. Led by Pam Larison, this seminar will explore who or what determines our identity and what difference it makes as we live our lives.
Session 2: Why Am I Here? | February 1, 2020
Modern life, especially the "feminine" life, poses many questions for those of us who are seeking purpose and meaning. Am I just here to get a job, get married, raise kids, enjoy myself and stay healthy? Is this really all there is to life? Is there nothing deeper and more significant for which I exist?
God and His Word would say we exist for so much more! We exist for more than the here and now, more than making ourselves happy or making the world a better place to live in with clean water, sufficient food and perfect safety for all. These are all great things, and yet will not bring us the deepest satisfaction and fulfillment.
We not only exist for today but we were created for a full and deeply enjoyable future for all eternity. God has a great hope and future plans for us!
Why Am I Here? is all about finding our purpose in life and our purpose as women. We were not created as blank slates, but rather the Creator of the universe has designed us and has the highest calling for each of us...not only us humans but also as His children and specifically as women. Understanding and living according to God’s design for our lives is what will bring true and lasting joy, contentment, focus, meaning, purpose and motivation in life.
Join us as we explore God‘s plan for how to live the fullest and most meaningful life possible!
This session will be taught by Tracy Villers and Trish Coyne.
Session 3: Then How Should I Live? | March 21, 2020
Part 3 of The 21st Century Woman series: Then How Should I Live? Over the past two sessions, we've learned that we have been made in God's image for the purpose of knowing and loving Him, and now we are called to live it out in our daily lives. But what does this practically look like? How should we apply this in our homes, schools, or workplaces? In light of everything we've learned, how then should we live?
This session will be taught by Pam Larison and the event will be held in the Commons.
All three events are free, and will include refreshments and all materials.