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2022 Women's Winter Bible Studies
Location: The Venue
Start Time: Tue 18, Jan. 2022, 7 p.m.
End Time: Thu 17, March 2022, noon
All women are invited to join our weekly Bible Studies this Winter 2022 continuing the study the book of James on Tuesday evenings or Thursday mornings. All groups will meet in the Venue and will then break into small groups for discussion, prayer, and fellowship. You can register the first time you attend study if you are new to the study, fall participants do not need to re-register.
Fall 2021 Women's Bible Studies
Location: The Venue
Start Time: Tue 21, Sept. 2021, 7 p.m.
End Time: Thu 18, Nov. 2021, 11:30 a.m.
All women are invited to joing our weekly Bible Study this Fall as we study the book of James together. Choose between Tuesday evening or Thursday morning study times. Click here for more details >
Summer Break
Men's and Women's Bible Study Groups are currently on summer break and will resume in September. Check back in August for more group information and to join one!
Winter-Spring 2021 Bible Studies
Location: Auditorium
Start Time: Mon 1, Feb. 2021, 7 p.m.
End Time: Thu 22, April 2021, 11:30 a.m.
All men and women are invited to join our weekly Bible Studies this winter-spring 2021. We will meet in The Auditorium at various times during the week; this Winter-Spring we will be studying the book of Acts.
All groups will meet in the auditorium utilizing physical distancing and, except for the men's Thursday morning study, will then break into small groups for discussion, prayer, and fellowship. You will have the option to break into your small group in person or virtually. You can register online or the first time you attend study. Registration on-line is highly recommended so we can get an idea how many small groups to be prepared for this semester. Cost is $10 for the study and an additional $5 if you would like a notebook. -
Fall 2020 Bible Studies
Location: Auditorium
Start Time: Mon 21, Sept. 2020, 7 p.m.
End Time: Thu 19, Nov. 2020, 11:30 a.m.
All men and women are invited to join our weekly Bible Studies this fall 2020. We will meet in The Auditorium at various times during the week; this Fall we will be studying Colossians.
All groups will meet in the auditorium utilizing physical distancing and, except for the men's Thursday morning study, will then break into small groups for discussion, prayer, and fellowship. You will have the option to break into your small group in person or virtually. You can register online or the first time you attend study. Registration on-line is highly recommended so we can get an idea how many small groups to be prepared for this semester. Cost is $10 for the study and an additional $5 if you would like a notebook. -
Darkness to Light: A Three-Week Bible Study
Location: Online only
Start Time: Fri 8, May 2020, 6 a.m.
End Time: Fri 22, May 2020, 6 p.m.
Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, describes the believer as both salt: a preserving influence in the world against the corruption of sin, and light: offering the hope of Christ to a world shuttered by darkness and unbelief.
Believers may see this description as a task to be undertaken each day, a burdensome responsibility—just one more thing for the Christian to do. However, once we understand that this is who Christ has declared us to be, it reorients our perspective. We are salt; we are light. This isn't another work. It is who we are in Christ.
Join us for this three-week study as we examine how we should think about our witness to the world, especially in this time when many around us are questioning and searching for truth. -
Bible Studies Continue through COVID-19
While we are not gathering in person for our Women's Bible Study, our study of Matthew has continued. Visit the Bible Study tab for questions, outlines, and teaching for the weekly passage. Some groups are also meeting virtually and if you'd like to join one, email Renee to get connected.
The 21st Century Woman Series-CANCELED
Location: Commons
Start Time: Sat 21, March 2020, 9 a.m.
End Time: Sat 21, March 2020, 11:30 a.m.
Part 3 of The 21st Century Woman series: Then How Should I Live? Over the past two sessions, we've learned that we have been made in God's image for the purpose of knowing and loving Him, and now we are called to live it out in our daily lives. But what does this practically look like? How should we apply this in our homes, schools, or workplaces? In light of everything we've learned, how then should we live?
The 21st Century Woman Series-Part 2
Location: Venue
Start Time: Sat 1, Feb. 2020, 9 a.m.
End Time: Sat 1, Feb. 2020, 11:30 a.m.
Part 2 of The 21st Century Woman Series will be held February 1, 2020, from 9am-11am. All women, aged 15 and older, are invited to attend this second of a three-part series about being a woman who honors God and follows Christ.
Spring 2020 Bible Studies
Location: Venue
Start Time: Mon 13, Jan. 2020, 7 p.m.
End Time: Thu 16, April 2020, 7:30 a.m.
All men and women are invited to join our weekly Bible Studies for 2020. We meet in The Venue at various times during the week, and this Winter/Spring we will continue studying Matthew.
All groups, except for the men's Thursday morning study, will meet for a large group teaching time and then break into small groups for discussion, prayer, and fellowship. You can register online or the first morning you attend study. Cost is $10 for the study and an additional $5 if you would like a notebook.