Play Groups
Play Groups Winter/Spring 2022
Play Groups meets on most 2nd/4th Tuesdays of each month for children ages birth-5 years old with their parents/grandparents. We meet in the main floor of the Children's Wing from 10:30am-noon.
Our Winter/Spring 2022 dates are: January 11 & 25, February 8 & 22, March 8 & 22, April 12 & 26, and May 10.
If you would like to be added to our Play Groups reminder email list, please email our Children's Ministry. Please remember:
- Registration is not required, but this could change, depending on COVID and how many families participate.
- Pack a lunch if you would like to stay and extend the fun! An informal "Preschool Lunch Bunch" will meet in A113 after Play Groups ends.
- Entrance to the Children's Wing is through the portico door C2. Because our building is used by a school, the doors are only unlocked at 10:25am when Parkside staff is there to greet families, so we ask that you not arrive earlier than this. We also kindly ask parents to exit the Children's Wing when our event times end.
- Out of courtesy to all, we ask that families not participate if children or adults are ill (cough, fever, runny nose, etc).
In regard to Parkside Church COVID policies: currently, there are no mask or physical distancing mandates for churches/religious organizations in Ohio. We encourage families to wear masks if they would prefer and be more comfortable doing so. Hand sanitizer will be readily available during Play Groups (as well as restrooms, of course!).