Preschool Story Time
Preschool Story Time Cancelled March 17
Due to concerns about the COVID-19 virus, Preschool Story Time will not meet on March 17. We care deeply about our community and want to follow the State of Ohio's recommendations. However, that doesn't mean we can't still help YOU (hopefully) have fun at home with your preschoolers! Here are a couple book recommendations which you may already have at home, along with a couple fun activities for each. Green Eggs and Ham
Daisy and the Egg
Read the story of how Jesus calmed the storm from a children's Bible (it can be found in the Bible in the book of Mark, chapter 4, verses 35-41). Remind your preschooler that Jesus loves him or her and that He is with us, so we do not have to be afraid. Color this PICTURE with your preschoolers. We will miss seeing all our preschool friends and their moms/caregivers, and pray the Lord will keep you safe and be merciful to bring a quick end to this virus worldwide.