Children Midweek
GEO Kids 2021-22 Update
We have had several families inquire about GEO Kids ministry and when it might resume. At this time, our priority is to reopen our Sunday Children's Ministry nursery and classes for our two morning services and our evening service. We have not yet been able to reopen any of our evening Children's Ministry, and we have had only a partial reopening of our Sunday morning classes. This is our first priority, and we are prayerfully asking the Lord to raise up many new people to join our nursery, Sunday School, and Mission Kids teams.
After we are fully staffed for Sunday ministries, we hope to resume GEO Kids, and we will rely on parents to serve as group leaders. GEO Kids is a parent-supported and parent-led ministry, and we are thankful for every parent and all the children who participate. We encourage parents to read our GEO Kids FAQs and prayerfully think about how you can support both Sunday ministries and GEO Kids midweek ministry.
Future updates about GEO Kids will be posted on this site, in the bulletin, and in the Insider as soon as details are available.