Children Midweek
GEO Kids 2022-23
GEO Kids has been postponed as we prayerfully seek more parent leaders. Details about this midweek ministry for elementary children are below. We hope to begin GEO Kids in January 2023, and we encourage families to contact us if they are interested in learning more.
- GEO Kids is for boy and girls in grades 1-5. GEO stands for Growth, Encouragement, and Outreach, and our desire is that kids will learn more about finding their way in the Lord Jesus Christ and develop meaningful friendships through this ministry.
- GEO Kids is a parent-led ministry, and we are seeking small group leaders. Please contact Kathy Myles to learn more about helping with GEO Kids this coming year.
- When we resume, GEO Kids will meet on 1st & 3rd Thursdays from 7:00-8:15pm in the Children's Wing. Calendars will be available at our first meeting.
- Registration for children is closed until January. A link will appear below when registration reopens, and the fee will be $15/child, with a maximum of $30/family. This fee covers the cost of lessons, craft & game supplies, and snacks. We want every child who desires to participate to be able to, and scholarships will be available when registration reopens.
We will communicate via our bulletin, website, and in emails to all registered families when we have a better idea of when we can start. We encourage families with elementary children to prayerfully consider being a part of this ministry next year.