Children Midweek
GEO Kids Information Night
Location: The Warehouse
Start Time: Fri 13, Jan. 2023, 6:30 p.m.
End Time: Fri 13, Jan. 2023, 8:30 p.m.
For families with chiildren in grades 1-5, GEO Kids has been a midweek ministry that offers opportunities for kids to grow in their knowledge and love for Jesus, enjoy biblical encouragement through friendships, and participate in gospel outreach to others. In the fall of 2022, we did not have enough responses from Parkside families to resume GEO Kids. Our hope is to resume the ministry in early February 2023, if we have enough families who want to participate and serve.
On January 13, we will have a GEO Kids Information Night at the Warehouse from 6:30-8:30pm. This evening will be geared toward families who have children in grades 1-5 and who are interested in or planning to participate in GEO Kids. We will discuss the purpose and structure of the ministry and review our leadership needs (particularly for men to lead boys' groups).
Dinner will be provided at the event (pizza, chips, apples or carrots, cookies, drinks). The cost is $4/person or $12 max/family. Registration is required, and due to space, there is a capacity limit on this event. We will also have plenty of time for free play for all to enjoy--basketball, ping pong, air hockey, octoball, and more!
Questions? Contact Kathy Myles.