Children Midweek
GEO Kids Family Kickoff Night
Location: The Venue
Start Time: Thu 19, Sept. 2024, 6 p.m.
End Time: Thu 19, Sept. 2024, 7:30 p.m.
GEO Kids will resume in October, and to prepare for the coming year, we invite families to join us for our Family Kickoff Night on Thursday, September 19 from 6-7:30pm in the Venue. Along with a light dinner, we'll discuss the upcoming year, any remaining leadership needs, and have some free time to play a game. Dinner will be sandwiches, chips, apples or carrots, cookies, and assorted drinks.
To cover the cost of food, registration is $5/person ($20 max/family). Younger children are welcome to attend the Family Night, even if they are not yet old enough for GEO Kids.
If you are new to GEO Kids and would like information or you are a parent willing to consider serving, please link to our FAQs.
For questions concerning the Family Kickoff Night, please contact Allie Mach.