Children Sunday Morning
Kids QUEST, Ages 2 Through Grade 5
9:00 & 10:30am Services
The Sunday Morning Children's Ministry of Parkside Church is focused on assisting parents in training up a child in the things of God. Preschool (ages 2-5) and elementary children (kindergarten-grade 5) learn God's Word through music and worship, Bible lessons and age-appropriate games and activities. This ministry also provides an excellent opportunity for many who are looking to serve Christ through serving children (click on our Volunteer tab above to learn more).
Our focus for this ministry is:
Quality time in God's Word
Understanding Biblical principles for living
Encouraging Biblical worship
Strengthening Christian relationships
Telling others the Good News
Parent FAQs
We count it a privilege to care for and teach children each Sunday, and we invite parents to read our Parent FAQs to learn more about our Children's Ministry (Sunday AM & PM).
A Word About Security
We take the security of children very seriously. All children's workers 18 years of age and older must be regular attendees for a minimum of six months or members of Parkside Church. Workers are also asked to provide information for a security background check. Throughout Children's Ministry, we have a minimum two-adult per room rule. If you have a question about our procedures, please contact the church office.