Children Sunday Morning
Serving in Children's Ministry, 2022-23
With the Lord's enabling and the help of his people, we seek to provide a welcoming place to "show and tell" children about Jesus. Our plan for the upcoming year is to resume our current classes and seek to open seven additional rooms due to increased attendance at the 10:30am service.
This is a big place, and it may be easy to look around and say, "Someone else will serve." Will you prayerfully consider joining one of our morning or evening teams this year? If you're unsure about making the commitment, we encourage you to click on the links below to view our FAQs for each ministry.
- Kids QUEST classes (preschool & elementary), Sunday mornings: serve on a team with 3-4 other people weekly at either 9am or 10:30am. Serving regularly with the same team and the same children provides a wonderful opportunity to build relationships with others. We have a particular need for teachers and helpers in our preschool rooms for ages 2-5.
- Mission Kids: serve on an evening team with 10-12 other people, approximately once per month. View our Mission Kids rotation HERE.
We ask that anyone who serves with children be in regular attendance for a minimum of six months before serving or be a member of Parkside Church. An application and background check are required for all adults 18+ years of age.
Our classes begin on September 11, and our prayer is to be fully staffed by the end of August. If you would like to be placed on a team, please register below. If you have additional questions, please contact Allie Mach at 440.708.2176.