Children Sunday Morning
Summer Schedule 2023 for Children
- Nursery: offered at all services
- Morning Preschool & Elementary classes (up through grade 5): will meet as usual
Classes for children are based on the 2022-23 school year. Children move up to new ages/grades on September 10. - Mission Kids (Evening ministry for ages 4-grade 3): not meeting on July 23 (Parkside on the Patio); meeting on July 30
- Nursery: offered at all services
- Preschool children up to age 5 (pre-K)*: classes offered at the 9am & 10:30am services. Preschool classes will be staffed by substitutes from our adult small groups. August-Labor Day is the time our teachers receive a much-needed break.
- Kindergarten-grade 5 (completed): on summer break through Labor Day weekend
- Mission Kids (PM): on summer break through Labor Day
*PLEASE NOTE: Due to limited staffing, we will have capacity limits set for our preschool rooms. If parents are unable to check-in, this means the class is full for that Sunday. Children may attend worship or families may view the service with their children in the Venue. We encourage elementary children to worship with their parents, as this time of year is a great opportunity for children to participate in congregational worship.
- September 3: Substitute helpers will be serving in preschool rooms (up to age 5). No classes for Kdg-grade 5.
- PROMOTION SUNDAY IS SEPTEMBER 10. Children's nametags will reflect new room numbers on September 10 when families check in. Children should not be placed in older ages or grades until that Sunday.
- All morning classes will resume at both services (2 years old thru grade 5).
- Mission Kids (PM) will resume.
- September 17: Mission Kids will not meet (Parkside on the Patio)