Nursery Sunday Evening
Digital Checkin: Frequently Asked Questions
In an effort to increase security and update our check-in process for children, in October, Parkside Church will begin utilizing a digital check-in system. A digital check-in system requires that every child (birth-5th grade) be registered in order to enter any children’s ministry activity. Here are some frequently asked questions (and answers) parents may have:
I am unsure if I registered my children. How can I find out?
You may do one of two things:
1) Register now to be safe. It is always best for us to have the most current & accurate information about your family in our database.
2) During the month of September, group rosters will be available in children’s Sunday School rooms. Check the roster to see if your child’s name is on it; verify that all information is correct. If not, fill out a registration card (available in the room).
Where will I check my child(ren) in on Sundays?
There will be five kiosks located on the first (main) floor of the children’s wing. Three kiosks will be located at our information desk, and two will be near the portico main entrance. One kiosk will be in close proximity to the nursery wing (in the hallway between nursery and the new building). For the initial rollout of the system, volunteers will be at each kiosk to assist families with check-in.
How will I check my child(ren) in on Sundays?
Each kiosk will have a touchscreen where you will enter the last four digits of your phone number or your last name. The names of family member matching that phone number/last name will appear on the screen. You will select those children you are checking in for that day.
We come to multiple services on Sunday. How will this work?
You will check-in for morning services and for evening service separately. For morning services, there will be an option to check-in to more than one activity. For example, a child may be checked into children’s choir at 9:00 and a Kids QUEST class at 9:45.
What happens after I select the children I am checking in for that day?
A printer will be at each kiosk, and you will receive a nametag label for your child and another label for you to keep. The second label is your paging & security receipt. This receipt must be given to the classroom leader to pick up your child. If you are staying for multiple activities and have to move your child from one room to another, you will simply show the receipt to the leader in the first room so that he/she may verify the matching number, and then keep the receipt to give to the leader at final pickup.
Where do I place the nametag label on my child?
Nametags should be applied to the backs of children birth-2 years of age. Nametags can be affixed to the front of shirts for children 3 years and older; however, we recognize that some children might be tempted to remove the tags. We will communicate if a change in nametag location needs to take place. It is important that parents discuss with their children the need to keep the nametag on at all times. This nametag will have important information (such as paging numbers and allergy information) on it, and pick-up will be greatly slowed down if a nametag is missing.
How will I be paged if my child needs me?
The child’s nametag and the parent receipt will have a matching transaction number. If you need to be paged, the last three numbers of the transaction number will appear on the digital display in the auditorium or Commons.
We will be attending multiple services on Sunday morning and will not always be in the worship service. How will you reach me if needed?
Parents will either make a note of their location when they check-in (a field on the touchscreen will come up) or you will notify classroom teachers of your location when you drop the child off.
We will be bringing guests or visitors occasionally who will not be registered in advance. How do they get checked in?
Visitors should go to the information desk on the main floor of the children’s wing. A friendly volunteer will assist them in obtaining basic information so that we can print a nametag and parent receipt.
What ages of children will need to be picked up by a parent?
All children birth-3rd grade will need to be picked up by a parent or authorized adult (i.e., one who has the receipt). 4th-5th graders may be released on their own but only after parental authorization has been obtained. Authorization forms will be available in the 4th-5th grade rooms.
What happens if I lose my parent receipt?
We will follow our normal security procedures. No child birth-3rd grade will be released without a receipt. A parent will need to locate a pastor or elder who will be brought to the classroom to verify identity of parent and to authorize release.
Do I have to check my child out at a kiosk?
No, after you give the parent receipt to the classroom leader, your child is considered checked-out for that service.