Nursery Sunday Morning
Sunday Mornings: Children's Ministry Fall 2021 Update
September has arrived, and we are eagerly anticipating resuming all of our Sunday morning Children's Ministry. Details about nursery and classes are listed below.
September 5, 9:00am & 10:30am
Nursery ministry & classes up to age 5. Kindergarten-5th grade classes remain on summer break. Nursery room and preschool classes may have capacity limits due to staffing on the holiday weekend. Families may view the service together in the parent room (A118) if classes are full. For safety and capacity reasons, we ask that you do not place children in rooms to which they are not assigned.
Beginning September 12, 9:00am & 10:30am
All nursery & children's classes resume for children, birth-5th grades, at both morning services.
- Children ages 2-grade 5 will be promoted to their "new" classes on September 12.
- PLEASE NOTE: We promote once-a-year (September 12). Children will remain in their assigned rooms until September 2022.
- Children who turned two by September 1st will go to a 2/3 years old preschool room in the Children's Wing instead of the nursery.
- Children who did not turn two years of age by September 1st will remain in the nursery ministry for 2021-22 (moving up September 2022).
- Due to staffing limitations, we will offer one class for every age/grade at both 9am and 10:30am.
- The digital check-in system will print nametags for children which reflect their new classes. Please read the nametag in order to know which room your child will be in, as room locations will vary between the two services.
- If your child is in school but will NOT be moving up a grade from where he/she was last year, please email Mandy McClendon before September 10 so we can correctly place your child.
Sunday PM Update
We tentatively hope to reopen our evening nursery ministry on September 26. If we are fully staffed in our nursery ministry and have enough people to serve in Mission Kids (for ages 3-1/2 to 5th grade), we will also reopen Mission Kids on September 26. If we are not fully staffed by September 26, we will delay our reopening of PM nursery and/or Mission Kids ministry. If you would like to be a part of helping us reopen our PM nursery or Mission Kids ministry, please click on the Register link below. Thank you!