Nursery Sunday Morning
Summer Schedule for Children
- Nursery: offered at all services*
- Preschool and elementary (up through grade 5): will meet as usual
PLEASE NOTE: Classes for children are based on the 2021-22 school year. Children move up to new ages/grades on September 11. - Mission Kids (Evening ministry for ages 4-Grade 5): on break
*For nursery, due to capacity limitations, we encourage families who are able to do so to worship at the 9am service. Our oldest nursery room for 2-year-olds often reaches maximum capacity at the 10:30am service. We sometimes are unable to take all children, especially after service begins. If we cannot take your child, we do have a parent room available in A118 (near the Venue) where you may view the service.
- Nursery: offered at all services
- Preschool children up to age 5 (pre-K*): classes will be offered at the 9am & 10:30am services. Preschool classes will be staffed by substitutes from our adult small groups. August-Labor Day is the time our weekly teams receive a well-deserved and much-needed break.
- Kindergarten-grade 5 (just completed): on summer break through Labor Day weekend.
*PLEASE NOTE: Due to high capacities in our rooms for children ages 4 & 5, we are unable to take any children who just completed Kindergarten (or older). We encourage elementary children to worship with their parents, as this time of year is a great opportunity for children to participate in congregational worship.
- Children's nametags will reflect new room numbers on September 11 when families check in. Children should not be placed in older ages or grades until that Sunday.