Vacation Bible Camp
Save the Dates for VBC 2023!
We know families make summer plans well in advance, and we hope you'll save the dates for Vacation Bible Camp 2023 on your calendars! This year's theme will be announced soon, but here are some details so you can begin planning:
- June 12-16, 2023 | 9am - noon
- For children ages 4 through grade 5 (completed)
- Cost $10/child or $30 max/family; friends come for FREE!
- VBC Helpers' children under age 4 may participate in our mini-VBC/nursery for free.
- Helper registration opens April 1 & will close when staffing needs are met
- Kids' registration is open May 1 - June 5
Additional information will be posted on this website as details become available. Begin praying about who you will invite to come this summer!