Vacation Bible Camp

Vacation Bible Camp

Recent Blogposts

  • The Countdown to VBC 2022 Has Begun!

    3-2-1 Blastoff! The countdown to VBC 2022 has begun, and we are excited to for this summer's Space Probe adventure!

  • VBC Helper Registration is Open

    Every year at Vacation Bible Camp, we need over 250 adults and students to serve. We invite you to join us on this summer's Space Probe odyssey!

  • Event

    VBC 2022 Skit Team Auditions

    Location: B020
    Start Time: Sun 3, April 2022, 11:45 a.m.
    End Time: Sun 3, April 2022, 1:15 p.m.

    If you've ever been called a "drama queen" or you love to "ham it up" in front of a crowd, we need YOU for our 2022 VBC skit team! We invite you to register for our skit team audition.


  • THANK YOU to our VBC volunteers!

    Thank you for participating with us this year at Vacation Bible Camp!

  • VBC Kids' Registration is open May 14th!

    Vacation Bible Camp is coming soon! Kids' registration opens on May 14th and will stay open until June 13th (or until we reach capacity, depending on staffing). 

  • Event

    VBC Skit Team Audition

    Location: B020, lower level Commons
    Start Time: Sun 18, April 2021, 12:30 p.m.
    End Time: Sun 18, April 2021, 2:30 p.m.

    If you've ever been called a "drama queen" or you love to "ham it up" in front of a crowd, we need YOU for our 2021 VBC skit team. We invite you to come to our skit team audition on Sunday, April 18.

  • Vacation Bible Camp 2021!

    We are excited to announce that we are prayerfully planning "in-person" VBC for the week of June 21-25!

  • Vacation Bible Camp 2021

    For those families who may need to make summer plans, we are prayerfully considering two potential weeks for our 2021 Vacation Bible Camp:  June 14-18 or June 21-25.  Due to COVID, Vacation Bible Camp remains tentative; additional details will be posted on this website as updates become available.

  • At-Home Vacation Bible Camp

    While we are unable to have a traditional Vacation Bible Camp, we want to provide families with an at-home option. Register by July 10th to receive materials.

  • Vacation Bible Camp Update

    After much prayer and discussion, we sense that we are unable to have Vacation Bible Camp 2020 in June as planned.