Free Apologetics Virtual Book Club (Women Only)
Posted: March 14, 2025
•Book: Mere Christianity •Author: C.S. Lewis •Start Date: Tuesday, April 8th •End Date: Tuesday, May 27th •Time: 9:00pm EST •Book Description: Our moral consciousness and moral judgements are proof to the human race that a moral being exists—God. Mere Christianity explores the core beliefs of Christianity by providing an unequaled opportunity for believers and nonbelievers alike to hear a powerful, rational case for the Christian faith. •Book Club Description: Want to grow in your confidence and knowledge that the Bible is true? Want to be encouraged in talking with others about the hope we have in Jesus? Come along with us as we explore the truths of God’s Word and ways to talk with others about Jesus. •Please visit wowbookclubs.com for more information or to sign up!
- Posted by
Jessica Reyes