Who can post an ad?
Anyone from Parkside or the community can post an ad.
How long will my ad run?
Your ad will run for 3 weeks, unless you ask us to remove it sooner. If you’d like it to run longer, please resubmit it.
What can I advertise?
Be creative! Real estate, job opportunities or needs, items for sale, events…if you have it and think someone needs it or wants it, give it a shot!
Is there any cost to run an ad?
No, the classifieds are free.
How many ads can I post?
As many as you would like.
How do I post an ad?
Go to the Classifieds homepage and click “Create an Ad.” Once you fill in the form and click submit, your ad will be posted.
Can I report an ad with questionable content?
Yes. Click on “Report this ad” at the top of the ad, and we’ll review it.
Will my contact information be posted?
We do require that you provide at least one way for people to contact you to respond to your ad. You can choose to use your phone number or email address. The rest of your contact information is for internal purposes only.