Terms of Service
Submitting an ad
These classified ads are a self-service tool. We can only accept ads submitted via the below form. This is due to the unique nature of these Classifieds – a free service, run entirely through an automated system. Please be careful when filling out the form information; you cannot edit a submission after it has been created. New ads are posted as they are created.
Publishing timelines
Each approved classified ad will appear online for three weeks from the date they are submitted. Please re-submit your ad if you wish it to be run again. If you would like your ad removed before the end of the three week period, please email us at pks@parksidechurch.com and include the title of our ad in your email.
Parkside Church does not endorse, makes no warranties and assumes no liability regarding the accuracy, quality and/or validity of any of the information, people, goods and/or services posted on the Classified Ads section of this website. These listings are provided as an information-only service to the user. Contact with or use of any such information, people, goods and/or services shall be at the sole discretion of the user. We also reserves the right to edit or delete any ad at our discretion. Any information not accurately provided will result in your advertisement not being included in the classifieds.