Cancer Support

Cancer Support

Cancer Support

Cancer Support is open to anyone whose life has been affected by the painful circumstances of cancer. Meetings are a time of encouragement, fellowship, and prayer.

The discovery of cancer can be an unpredictable and frightening season in life. The Cancer Support Ministry is a Bible based support group designed to help anyone affected by the painful circumstances of cancer.  Whether battling cancer currently or acting as a loving caregiver, this ministry provides a place to for individuals to share stories, stresses, worries, and celebration.  

Our mission is to reach out to our church family and beyond by creating a confidential environment that merges biblical, emotional, social, and practical support.

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  • Jul

    July 2024 Cancer Support Meeting

    If your life or that of a loved one has been affected by cancer, join us Sunday, July 14, at 11:45 am (EDT) for a time of sharing, encouragement, and prayer.


    We will meet in-person in Room A207. For those unable to join in-person, we continue to offer an online option as well. Please email Jim at for an online meeting invitation.


    Cancer Support Group meetings are free and open to the community.

  • Jun

    June 2024 Cancer Support Meeting

    If your life or that of a loved one has been touched by cancer, join us Sunday, June 2, at 11:45 am (EDT) for a time of sharing, encouragement, and prayer.


    We will meet in-person in Room A207. For those unable to join in-person, we continue to offer an online option as well.
    Please email Jim at for an online meeting invitation.


    Cancer Support Group meetings are free and open to the community.

  • May

    May 2024 Cancer Support Meeting

    If your life or that of a loved one has been touched by cancer, join us Sunday, May 5, at 11:45 am (EDT) for a time of sharing, encouragement, and prayer.

    We will meet in-person in A207.

    For those unable to join in-person, we continue to offer an online option as well.

    Please click the  following to email Jim for an online meeting invitation.

    Cancer Support Group meetings are free and open to the community.


Brenna Lowe