


Sexual Identity Seminar Resources

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The late G. K. Chesterton famously wrote over eighty years ago, “These are the days when the Christian is expected to praise every creed except his own.” 

How true his words are for us today!  As culture has embraced homosexuality and same-sex relationships, many Christians feel pressured to re-evaluate their beliefs and embrace a more inclusive posture in order to be tolerant and loving.  What exactly does the Bible say about homosexuality and same-sex relationships?  Can we trust in God’s word to guide and shape how we think about this issue?  How can believers who hold to a traditional view of sexuality maintain their convictions with compassion, yet without compromise?

Pastor Jonathan Holmes led a seminar answering these questions, designed to help the Christian think through these concepts with compassion and Biblical understanding. Here you'll find the full audio of his seminar as well an outline to guide you through as you listen.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Notes/Outline PDF