Counsel for Common Questions
The coronavirus pandemic has presented many of us with new (or heightened) emotional and spiritual challenges. Our routines have been interrupted. Our plans have evaporated. Everything we thought we were going to do, has been canceled or postponed. Additionally, we've experienced isolation from one another. Our community, our friendships, the support we've come to rely on through family, church, activities, and work, is now experienced virtually. For some of us, this time has also meant dealing with significant loneliness, depression, anger, or grief.
Wherever we find ourselves, it is good to remember that Jesus is not a stranger to our difficulties or our emotions. He reminds us in Matthew 11:28 to "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
For those who have questions about how to begin working through unexpected challenges or heightened emotions, we've assembled some resources for you. Each topic begins with a short intro video from Pastor and Counselor Jonathan Holmes, and from there, we've provided links to helpful content for additional study.
Topic 1: Wrestling with Control
How do we trust in the Lord well when things feel so out of control? What are my responsibilities and how do I keep from feeling overwhelmed?
- Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Article: Peace, be still: Learning Psalm 131 by Heart, by David Powlison
- Book: Trusting God, by Jerry Bridges
Topic 2: Facing Depression
Where can we find comfort when we feel isolated, stuck in a rut, or depressed? How do we help our friends or family who are struggling in this way?
- Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Book: Spurgeon's Sorrows: Realistic Hope for Those Who Suffer with Depression, by Zach Eswine
- Journal Article: Words of Hope for Those Who Struggle with Depression, by Ed Welch
Topic 3: Dealing with Loss
Whether loss because of death, loss of dreams, cancelations of looked-forward-to plans, it's sometimes hard to know where to look in circumstances like those. Where can we find comfort when facing different types of loss?
- Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Webinar: How Are You Holding Up: Processing Anger, Frustration, Loss, Loneliness with Jonathan Holmes
- Book: God's Healing for Life's Losses by Robert Kellemen, Ph.D.
- Devotional: Grief: Walking with Jesus by Robert Kellemen, Ph.D.
- Audio: Loss: Finding Hope that Lasts When Life Falls Apart by David Powlison
Topic 4: Conflict in Conversation
- Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Article: 4 Ways to Disagree Graciously with Other Christians, by Gavin Ortlund
- Book: War of Words, by Paul David Tripp
Topic 5: Doubt & Confusion
- Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Devotional: Doubt: Trusting God's Promises, by Elyse Fitzpatrick
- Book: Help My Unbelief: Why Doubt is Not the Enemy of Faith, by Barnabas Piper
- Article: Doubts, by Ed Welch
- Article: 7 Ways to Deal with Doubt, by Michael Patton
Topic 6: Feeling Overwhelmed
How can trusting in God's sovereignty over our day-to-day lives help us when we are feeling overwhelmed?
- Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Book: Help! I Can't Handle All These Trials, by Joel James
- Article: The Peace of God or the God of Peace? by Cecelia Bernhardt, CCEF
- Article: When the Darkness Overwhelms, by Quina Aragon
Topic 7: Anxiety
Do you know someone who struggles with anxiety? Are you finding it diffucult to offer support?
- Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Devotional Book: Knowing God's Peace by Paul Tautges
- Video: Helping Someone in the Midst of a Panic Attack with Ed Welch
- Video: 3 Things to Remember When You're Feeling Anxious with David Powlison
Topic 8: Singleness
In this time of COVID-19, being single may feel isolating. How can we use this time alone to draw nearer to God?
- Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Book: 7 Myths about Singleness, by Sam Allberry
- Article: Fear of Being Alone, by Jayne V Clark
- Video: Struggling with Singleness, by David Powlison
Topic 9: Marital Conflict
Do you want to honor the Lord in your marriage? Are current struggles making it seem impossible?
- Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Book: Marriage Conflict: Talking as Teammates, by Steve Hoppe
- Book: The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict, by Ken Sande
- Audio: Walking Through Marital Conflict, by David Powlison and Julie Lowe
Topic 10: Back-to-School Anxiety
During this season of COVID-19, you may be facing a lot of decisions when it comes to returning back to school.
- Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Seminar: New Year, New Normal: Navigating Concerns About Returning to School, with Fieldstone Counselors
- Compiled Resources: Articles, Books, and Videos, from Fieldstone Counseling
Topic 11: Fatigue and Weariness
Biblical encouragement to help us work through physical and spiritual weariness by looking to Christ for our confidence and hope.
- Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Book: Reset: Living a Grace-Paced Life in a Burnout Culture, by David Murray
- Book: Refresh: Embracing a Grace-Paced Life in a World of Endless Demands, by David Murray
- Book: I'm Exhuasted: What to Do When You're Always Tired, by David Powlison
Topic 12: When Friends Are Divided
Have your friendships been difficult or strained during this Covid season? Have differing viewpoints created distance that wasn't there before?
- Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Article: Learn How to Disagree Agreeably by David George Moore
- Book: The Company We Keep: In Search of Biblical Friendship by Jonathan Holmes
- Book: How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics by Jonathan Leeman and Andy Naselli
- Video: How Can I Handle Disagreements with my Spouse in a Healthy Way? by Aaron Sironi
Topic 13: Navigating Social Media and News
It's hard to know what things we find in the media to believe. How do we navigate the media biblically?
- Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Article: The Wisdom Pyramid by Brett McCracken
- Article: Why Unhealthy People Crave Controversy by Russell Moore
- Article: 6 Keys to a Rewarding Spiritual Detox by Tony Reinke
Topic 14: Difficult Conversations with Others
During a time of uncertainty, it's easy to find that our friends have differing views. How do we react rightly and humbly in these conversations?
- *COMING SOON* Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Article: 4 Ways to Disagree Graciously with Other Christians by Gavin Ortlund
- Book: How To Love Difficult People: Receiving and Sharing God's Mercy by William P Smith
- Book: Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference by Timothy Keller and John Inazu
Topic 15: Tough Conversations with Kids
Parents may have to make difficult decisions that their kids may disagree with or be disappointed in. How can you navigate this conversation in love?
- *COMING SOON* Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Video: New Year, New Normal: Navigating Concerns about Returning to School by Fieldstone Counseling
- Book: Child Proof: Parenting by Faith, Not Formula by Julie Lowe
- Book: Parenting with Words of Grace: Building Relationships with Your Children One Conversation at a Time by William P. Smith, Forward by Paul David Tripp
Topic 16: Family Conflict
As plans get canceled, there may be some family members who are hurt or feel left out. How do we communicate rightly with them?
- *COMING SOON* Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Book: Peacemaking for Families by Ken Sande and Tom Raabe
- Book: Loving Well (Even If You Haven't Been) by William P. Smith
Topic 17: Re-Energizing Faded Friendships
What are ways we can re-engage with friendships that have faded because of distance?
- *COMING SOON* Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Article: When You Realize a Friend Doesn’t Feel the Same Way About You by Her View From Home
- Book: The Company We Keep: In Search of Biblical Friendship by Jonathan Holmes
- Article: What to do when you need to have a tough-love conversation with your friend? by Bailey T. Hurley
Topic 18: Creative Ways to Connect
As things begin opening back up, what are ways that we can creatively reconnect with friends and family while still following guidelines?
- *COMING SOON* Intro Video with Jonathan Holmes
- Article: Practical Ways to Stay in Touch in a Season of Social Distancing by Jonathan Holmes
- Article: 240 Marital Conversations (This resource is an excerpt from section three of the "Creating a Gospel-Centered Marriage: Communication" seminar.)