Navigating Parenthood Workshop
Location: Parkside Church (7100 Pettibone Rd., Chagrin Falls 44023)
Start Time: Sat 2, April 2022, 9 a.m.
End Time: Sat 2, April 2022, 12:30 p.m.
Approaching the Call with Biblical Wisdom and Hope
Raising children presents some of the greatest challenges for parents in today’s culture. Children are not only a great joy, but also can be a source of heartache, difficulty, and hardship. In this workshop, the counselors and staff of Fieldstone Counseling want to offer encouragement and instruction for this journey that is both biblically wise and practical.
The workshop will run from 9am-12:30pm starting with a general session, then offering targeted breakout sessions and concluding with a second general session:
8:30-9:00am |
Continental Breakfast |
9:00-9:50am |
Welcome | General Session 1 |
9:50-10:00am |
Break |
10:00-10:50am |
Breakout Session 1 |
10:50-11:00am |
Break |
11:00-11:50am |
Breakout Session 2 |
11:50-12:00pm |
Break |
12:00-12:30pm |
Concluding Thoughts | General Session 2 |
The workshop is free (including a continental breakfast available at 8:30am) but registration is required. Please note that childcare will not be provided.
Session Descriptions and Audio
Opening Session Audio >
Closing Session Audio >
Spiritual Leadership in the Home
Facilitator: Bob Shull
Listen to Audio >
This session will help parents better understand and practically fulfill their God-given responsibility as the primary Christian educators of their children. Fathers will be challenged and equipped to be the biblical spiritual leaders of their homes in practical, “down-to-earth” ways. Mothers will be encouraged and equipped to be their husband’s teammate in helping their children experience a Christ-centered home. Topics such as the goal of Christian parenting, leading your children to Christ, encouraging rather than discouraging our children, and practical tips such as “Teachable Moments,” “Club Time,” and “Family Huddles” will be addressed.
The Worried Child: Helping Your Child Navigate Worry, Stress, and Anxiety
Facilitator: Sarah Keene
Listen to Audio >
This session is designed for parents whose children tend to worry, deal with anxiety, or struggle to cope with stress. Parents with children of any age will learn about what is causing the “anxiety epidemic,” why some children have an “anxiety personality,” and how to walk alongside children through fears and worries. Participants will learn tools to equip their children with more than “coping skills” by guiding them to the true Hope and Comforter.
At Peace with a Prodigal
Facilitator: Marilyn Vaughan
Listen to Audio >
As a Christian parent, what might be our reaction when one of our children rejects the faith in which he or she was raised? Perhaps we might feel God has failed or that we have failed. Feelings of anger, shame, or remorse might arise. This workshop will address the issues that parents face when children reject the Christian faith and make choices that are contrary to the principles in which they were raised.
Healing the Hole: Dealing with the Loss of a Child
Facilitator: Marilyn Vaughan
Listen to Audio >
When a family is expecting or blessed with a child, they have so many dreams and expectations. As years pass by, parents add precious memories to those dreams. When parents experience the loss of a child, what do they do with their dreams and memories? How do they deal with the loss? How do we help our other children cope with the loss of their brother or sister? Many ask, “where is God and how could He let this happen?” There is a hole left in the family that must be dealt with in a healthy and God-honoring way.
Intentional Biblical Grandparenting
Facilitator: Laura Hudson
Listen to Audio >
This interactive session will assist grandparents to consider and engage with the call of being a godly grandparent. This will include how the Bible informs common grandparenting issues such as navigating relationships with grandchildren and the parents along with grandparenting from a distance, all with the primary goal of pointing grandchildren (and adult children) to Jesus Christ. Grandparents will also be encouraged with practical and fun suggestions to strengthen and grow their relationships with their grandchildren.
Parenting Children with Psychiatric Disorders
Facilitator: Denny King
Listen to Audio >
Hearing that your child fits criteria for psychiatric disorder for the first time will likely produce varied feelings in the heart of a parent. It can be a disorienting and frightening experience, but it can also be validating. Questions parents may ask include, will my child become labeled? Will this solve the problems in our family? What does God think about medication? Is there a place for secular therapy? How can I help my child connect in church? How can I help their school understand what they need? This session will seek to help parents form a Christ centered approach to parenting children undergoing medical treatment for psychiatric disorders, as well as provide education about interacting with the psychiatric mental health care system.