Recent Blogposts
November Iron Sharpens Iron Meeting 2020
Location: A208/A210
Start Time: Thu 12, Nov. 2020, 6:30 p.m.
End Time: Thu 12, Nov. 2020, 8:30 p.m.
Our next meeting together will take place Thursday November 12th from 6:30pm-8:30pm in A208/A210.
This ISI marks our first time together since the beginning of COVID and provides a good opportunity for us to talk specifically about the challenges and opportunities of counseling and providing care during COVID. We look forward to hearing you share and encouraging one another during a unique time. Jonathan Holmes and Jon Cameron will lead our time and we’ll have an opportunity to get to know Jon Cameron a little bit better as he has recently stepped into the role of Counseling Pastor at Parkside Church Bainbridge.
We look forward to meeting in person for those who are able. Provided refreshments will be limited to bottled/canned beverages due to COVID sensitivities. Please feel free to bring your own coffee or other beverage. We ask that all who attend in person follow the Church’s guidelines on masks and social distance. If you are unable to attend personally we will have a zoom link for those who would like to attend virtually.
Jonathan Cameron
Pastoral Team
November and December 2020 ISI Meetings
Location: Parkside Church
Start Time: Thu 12, Nov. 2020, 6:30 p.m.
End Time: Thu 10, Dec. 2020, 8:30 p.m.
Our Iron Sharpens Iron meetings are going to be starting up again at the church beginning in November! We will be meeting on November 12th and December 10th beginning at our normal start time of 6:30pm. We will be sending out more information on the topics being covered, classroom location (including options such as Zoom/recording) etc. in the upcoming weeks but in the meantime please mark these dates down on your calendar. We look forward to meeting together again!
Counsel for Common Questions
The coronavirus pandemic has presented many of us with new (or heightened) emotional and spiritual challenges. Our routines have been interrupted. Our plans have evaporated. Everything we thought we were going to do, has been canceled or postponed. Additionally, we've experienced isolation from one another: our community, our friendships, the support we've come to rely on through family, church, activities, and work, is now experienced virtually. For some of us, this time has also meant dealing with significant loneliness, depression, anger, or grief.
Marriage Matters Conference with Jonathan Holmes November 2019
Location: The Venue at Parkside Church (7100 Pettibone Rd., Chagrin Falls, OH 44023)
Start Time: Sat 9, Nov. 2019, 9 a.m.
End Time: Sat 9, Nov. 2019, noon
Join Pastor Jonathan Holmes as he helps us to understand the meaning and purpose of marraige, communication and forgiveness in marriage and how to handle conflicts that arise. This event will be held in The Venue on November 9th from 9am to noon. The conference is free however registration is required so that we have an accurate count for food and materials. Please note that childcare is not being offered for this event.
Overcoming Anxiety Workshop 2019
Location: The Venue at Parkside Church (7100 Pettibone Rd., Chagrin Falls 44023)
Start Time: Sat 5, Oct. 2019, 9 a.m.
End Time: Sat 5, Oct. 2019, 3:30 p.m.
Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious or afraid? Please plan to attend the Heartpoints: Overcoming Anxiety Workshop on October 5th from 9am-3:30pm in The Venue at Parkside Church Bainbridge campus. During the course of the workshop, we will help you identify the heart issues that lead to anxiety, study the biblical precepts that address anxiety, and develop personalized, practical strategies to overcome anxiety. The workshop is presented by Crystal Kershaw who is the Director of Strategic Initiatives for Fieldstone Counseling and also serves at Cornerstone Christian Academy.
The cost is $25 per person which includes a continental breakfast, lunch and all materials.
Counsel for Couples Training Workshop
Location: The Venue at Parkside Church (7100 Pettibone Rd., Chagrin Falls 44023)
Start Time: Sat 6, April 2019, noon
End Time: Sat 6, April 2019, 5 p.m.
Equipping you for Pre-Marital and Marriage Ministry
Do you ever feel ill-equipped or ill-prepared for the work of pre-marital or marriage counseling? On April 6th, there will be a 1/2 day workshop that will help orient you to the broad and basic principles of biblical marriage counseling, and help equip you with some practical resources for counseling. There will be times of teaching, small group discussion, and question and answer. The event will be held in the Venue at Parkside Church from 9am-2pm.
This workshop is for anyone- pastors, elders, pre-marital couples, marriage mentors, lay counselors -- who work alongside couples in the church.
Each couple (or individual if you attend alone) will receive a copy of Jonathan Holmes' new book, Counsel for Couples: A Biblical and Practical Guide for Marriage Counseling. The cost is $20 per individual or $40 per couple* with a continental breakfast and lunch provided. Scholarships are available upon request. Email info@fieldstonecounseling.org for information.
*This event is free to Parkside marriage and pre-marital lay counselors and Parkside members who are interested in potentially becoming a lay counselor. Click the Register button below and enter the promotional code PARKSIDEBAINBRIDGE (case sensitive). For more information, contact Parkside Church at 440-543-1212.
How People Change/Helping Others Change Spring 2019
Location: The Venue at Parkside Church (7100 Pettibone Rd., Chagrin Falls 44023)
Start Time: Sat 16, March 2019, 9 a.m.
End Time: Sat 27, April 2019, 3:30 p.m.
Join us for two Saturday workshops, How People Change on March 16th and Helping Others Change on April 27th from 9am-3:15pm in The Venue. In the first workshop, we will learn about growing in Christ through the ups and downs of life and in the second workship we will explore walking with others through the ups and downs of life. In-depth biblical discipleship is about relationships, with God and with others.
Please note that in order to participate in the Helping Others Change workshop, participants should have already completed the How People Change workshop.
The cost will be $20 for either workshop or $35 if you register for both workshops. The registration cost includes breakfast, snacks and lunch for both workshops, along with printed materials. Both workshops utilize the information found in the books How People Change and Instrustments in the Redeemer's Hands which can be purchased at Books by the Park.
Marriage Matters Small Group Winter 2019
Location: Parkside Church (7100 Pettibone Rd., Chagrin Falls 44023) Room A205
Start Time: Tue 5, Feb. 2019, 9:30 p.m.
End Time: Tue 12, March 2019, 9:30 p.m.
A new six-week session of our Marriage Matters small group will begin on Tuesday February 5th. Facilitators will lead couples through the book "What Did you Expect?" by Paul Tripp. Each session will be held in Room A205 from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Cost is $45 per couple or $30 per individual. Register online at www.parksidechurch.com/marriagematters by February 4th.
Marriage Conference with Tim Savage November 2018
Location: The Commons at Parkside Church (7100 Pettibone Road, Chagrin Falls 44023)
Start Time: Sat 3, Nov. 2018, 11:30 a.m.
End Time: Sat 3, Nov. 2018, 4:30 p.m.
Join Tim Savage as he helps us to realize the unlimited potential of marriage and learn how marriages can become showcases of the glory of God. Tim Savage is a pastor, international conference speaker and author of several books including No Ordinary Marriage. Over the course of four sessions, this event will be held in the Commons at Parkside Church on November 3rd from 8:30am-1:30pm.
The cost is $30 per couple or $15 per person which includes snacks and lunch. Childcare will be available for the first 75 children registered -parents will be required to pack a lunch as well as snacks for their children.
Please note that our childcare is now full so we will not be able to accommodate any additional children.
Safe Families for Children Informational Luncheon
Location: Parkside Church (7100 Pettibone Rd., Chagrin Falls 44023) in room B211
Start Time: Sun 23, Sept. 2018, 3:30 p.m.
End Time: Sun 23, Sept. 2018, 5:30 p.m.
Embracing Family is Parkside's orphan care ministry and we are teaming up with Cleveland's chapter of Safe Families for Children with an informational luncheon on September 23rd following the third service. Safe Families for Children began in 2003 striving to engage families via faith communities to open their homes to care for vulnerable children. We share their desire to help families before a major crisis hits with the hope that we can keep families intact, minimize children entering foster care, and reduce abuse and neglect. If you are considering how you can care for vulnerable childrn in your immediate community then we encourage you to attend the meeting and pray about the possibility of partnering with Safe Families for Children.
If you can attend, please RSVP to Linn at lnash@parksidechurch.com or call the church office at 440-543-1212 so we can plan for our food needs.