For those going through the daily struggles of sin and suffering, we offer individual counseling with a Parkside trained counselor. Counseling will typically take place in hour long sessions for a period of 6-8 weeks as needed. There is no fee for counseling, but an application is necessary to begin counseling.
Anyone applying for counseling at Parkside Church must be a member or regular attender. All other inquiries regarding counseling can be directed to lnash@parksidechurch.com.
Our counselors are not state-licensed professionals, but they all receive extensive training in biblical, interpersonal ministry. We counsel a wide range of issues, and seek to offer a holistic, embodied plan of care for each individual or couple.
Biblical Counseling Application
We have designed the application to obtain as much information as possible to give the counselor much needed context and history. You will need approximately 45 minutes to complete these forms. If applying for marriage counseling, each person must fill out a seperate application. Download the application here.
In addition to completing the attached forms, we ask that…
* You regularly attend a morning worship service at one of our campuses;
* You participate in at least one small group: Midweek Life Group, Men’s & Women’s Bible study small group, Sunday AM Life Group, Children’s ministry teaching team, etc.;
* You maintain regular appointments with your counselor; and
* You identify a biblical advocate (described below).
We ask that each person/couple who enters into counseling at Parkside Church identify a biblical advocate to come alongside them during the counseling process. Information about the biblical advocate can be obtained from our website or a paper copy can be requested. Understanding that the counseling relationship is short-term, counselors desire to transition counselees to a healthy, loving and Christ-centered community post-counseling. Having a biblical advocate can assist with this process.
Once completed, you can send your paperwork…
* Scan and email it to: lnash@parksidechurch.com
* Mail it via post office to: 7100 Pettibone Rd., Chagrin Falls, OH 44023, Attn: Linn Nash
* Fax it with cover sheet to: 440-543-2164
* Drop it off during office hours at the Bainbridge Campus (M-F, 8-5)