Dealing with Divorce
Fall 2020 Care Groups
Experiencing life’s hardships can often be difficult and lonely. Parkside’s Care Groups are designed to offer biblically-based encouragement and support for people facing specific situations. Some of these groups are beginning their fall session this week, with an option to meet online.
Consider joining a group whether you are the one experiencing the hardship, or you are walking alongside a friend or family member through their challenging circumstances. All groups are free and open to the public.
Grieving with Hope | Begins Oct. 26 | 7pm | Online
If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, join us for a 4-week online care group. There is no cost, but registration is needed so that instructions may be sent to you.
Register >
Dealing with Divorce | Begins Oct. 29 | 7pm | Online & In-Person
This 4-week group provides care and practical help from the Bible for those who have been or are going through divorce, as well as friends or family of those going through divorce. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required.
Cancer Support | Meets Nov. 1 | 8:15am | Online
If your life or that of a loved one has been touched by cancer, we invite you to participate in our support group. Please contact Jim in advance to receive an invite.
Widows Coffee Connection | Meets Nov. 15 | 1:00pm | Online
Widows are invited to attend our Widows Coffee Connection. If you would like to participate in the virtual gathering, please email Matt Ross or Gail Gerycz in advance so that an invitation with instructions can be sent to you.
Care Groups are free and open to the public. You do not need to be a member or attender of Parkside Church to participate.