Marriage Matters
Recent Blogposts
Dave Harvey Marriage Workshop 2024
Due to Hurricane Milton, this workshop has been cancelled. Please click on the title above to learn more.
Gospel-Shaped Marriage Workshop 2023
Location: The Commons at Parkside Church (7100 Pettibone Rd., Chagrin Falls 44023)
Start Time: Sat 11, Feb. 2023, 9 a.m.
End Time: Sat 11, Feb. 2023, 3:30 p.m.
No matter your situation - single, married, engaged, dating, or simply looking to prayerfully support your married friends or family - we invite you to join us on February 11 (9:00amm-3:30pm), for a marriage workshop with Chad and Emily Van Dixhoon. Chad and Emily reside in Pennsylvania where he is professor of church history at Westminister Theological Seminary and she is an author, Bible study leader, and stay-at-home mom. They have five children. Together they have written a book called “Gospel-Shaped Marriage” that comes highly recommended by Alistair Begg as one of his favorite marriage books. The conference will include a time led by Emily for the women and Chad for the men as well as time for a Q&A.
The cost is $40 per couple or $20 per individual and includes beverages, lunch and workshop materials. Scholarships are available by contacting Linn at the church office (440) 543-1212. Please note that childcare will not be provided.
Marriage Matters Conference with Jonathan Holmes November 2019
Location: The Venue at Parkside Church (7100 Pettibone Rd., Chagrin Falls, OH 44023)
Start Time: Sat 9, Nov. 2019, 9 a.m.
End Time: Sat 9, Nov. 2019, noon
Join Pastor Jonathan Holmes as he helps us to understand the meaning and purpose of marraige, communication and forgiveness in marriage and how to handle conflicts that arise. This event will be held in The Venue on November 9th from 9am to noon. The conference is free however registration is required so that we have an accurate count for food and materials. Please note that childcare is not being offered for this event.
Counsel for Couples Training Workshop
Location: The Venue at Parkside Church (7100 Pettibone Rd., Chagrin Falls 44023)
Start Time: Sat 6, April 2019, noon
End Time: Sat 6, April 2019, 5 p.m.
Equipping you for Pre-Marital and Marriage Ministry
Do you ever feel ill-equipped or ill-prepared for the work of pre-marital or marriage counseling? On April 6th, there will be a 1/2 day workshop that will help orient you to the broad and basic principles of biblical marriage counseling, and help equip you with some practical resources for counseling. There will be times of teaching, small group discussion, and question and answer. The event will be held in the Venue at Parkside Church from 9am-2pm.
This workshop is for anyone- pastors, elders, pre-marital couples, marriage mentors, lay counselors -- who work alongside couples in the church.
Each couple (or individual if you attend alone) will receive a copy of Jonathan Holmes' new book, Counsel for Couples: A Biblical and Practical Guide for Marriage Counseling. The cost is $20 per individual or $40 per couple* with a continental breakfast and lunch provided. Scholarships are available upon request. Email info@fieldstonecounseling.org for information.
*This event is free to Parkside marriage and pre-marital lay counselors and Parkside members who are interested in potentially becoming a lay counselor. Click the Register button below and enter the promotional code PARKSIDEBAINBRIDGE (case sensitive). For more information, contact Parkside Church at 440-543-1212.
Marriage Matters Small Group Winter 2019
Location: Parkside Church (7100 Pettibone Rd., Chagrin Falls 44023) Room A205
Start Time: Tue 5, Feb. 2019, 9:30 p.m.
End Time: Tue 12, March 2019, 9:30 p.m.
A new six-week session of our Marriage Matters small group will begin on Tuesday February 5th. Facilitators will lead couples through the book "What Did you Expect?" by Paul Tripp. Each session will be held in Room A205 from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Cost is $45 per couple or $30 per individual. Register online at www.parksidechurch.com/marriagematters by February 4th.
Marriage Conference with Tim Savage November 2018
Location: The Commons at Parkside Church (7100 Pettibone Road, Chagrin Falls 44023)
Start Time: Sat 3, Nov. 2018, 11:30 a.m.
End Time: Sat 3, Nov. 2018, 4:30 p.m.
Join Tim Savage as he helps us to realize the unlimited potential of marriage and learn how marriages can become showcases of the glory of God. Tim Savage is a pastor, international conference speaker and author of several books including No Ordinary Marriage. Over the course of four sessions, this event will be held in the Commons at Parkside Church on November 3rd from 8:30am-1:30pm.
The cost is $30 per couple or $15 per person which includes snacks and lunch. Childcare will be available for the first 75 children registered -parents will be required to pack a lunch as well as snacks for their children.
Please note that our childcare is now full so we will not be able to accommodate any additional children.
Marriage Matters Small Group Begins March 13
A new six-week session of our Marriage Matters small group will begin on Tuesday, March 13, in Room A205, 6:30-8:30pm.
Marriage conference with Paul Tripp November 2017
Join Paul Tripp as he redeems the realities of marriage in this weekend conference. Learn how a marriage of unity, understanding, and love is rooted in worship. Over the course of five sessions, this event will be held in the Auditorium at Parkside Church on November 3rd from 7-9:15pm and November 4th from 9am-12:15pm. All participants are encouraged to bring their Bibles with them to the conference.
The cost is $30 per couple or $15 per person and registration is required. Please note that childcare has closed and is no longer available.
Marriage Strengthening Support Group
Fieldstone Counseling will be hosting a marriage support group this summer led by Dr. Steve and Sue Moroney on Thursday evenings beginning June 1st. The group will run for 5 weeks from 7-8:30pm in Room 98. The cost is $90 and includes a $35 "Prepare and Enrich" marriage assessment. Space is limited to 9 couples (non-Parkside couples are welcomed to attend); childcare is not provided.
All March 14 Events have been cancelled
All Events for March 14th have been cancelled. This includes:
- Story Time has been cancelled.
- The Marriage Matters small group has been cancelled.
- Women's Bible Study has been cancelled.
- Club JV has been cancelled.