Marriage Matters
Marriage Matters Small Group Spring 2016
Potholes. Buckled pavement. Frost heaves. Incessant road construction. This is a part of life in Northeast Ohio. It seems you cannot go anywhere in Cleveland without running (or dropping) into some sort of roadway difficulty. It’s easy to pass the blame on a myriad of different things: inefficient government, crummy weather, slow construction crews—but the real issue is the foundation. It’s what lies underneath the roads that cause the real problem. The traffic and weather, passing endlessly over the roadways only reveal the structural and foundational weaknesses below.
Marriage reveals those cracks in a marriage. Tim Keller often likens marriage to a 2-ton Mack truck driving across the bridge of your relationships. Marriage doesn’t cause your problems, your heartaches, your sufferings or your sins—but is the venue in which those problems are brought to the surface from the heart. There are times in our marriages when we would like to blame the problems on situational circumstances or stubborn spouses, but the truth of Scripture cuts through such blame shifting with arresting clarity: you’re greatest problem in marriage, is not your spouse, but your own sinful and wayward heart.
Perhaps over the past few years in marriage you’ve experienced some of those potholes and fissures in marriage. Maybe you’ve sought to explain the causes—kids, stress, work, finances, lack of intimacy—but still find yourself in the same cycle of conflict and argument. Consider joining us for a six-week Marriage Matters small group using Paul Tripp’s book, "What Did You Expect? Redeeming the Realities of Marriage."
A new six-week session of our small group will begin on Tuesday, April 12. This group is for both couples seeking help in their marriages or for those just seeking to sharpen their focus on Christ. Each session will be held in Room A207, 6:30-8:30pm. Cost is $45 per couple or $30 per individual. Childcare is available.
Register online at by April 11. For more information please contact Linn at
Your Partner in Christ,
Pastor Jonathan Holmes