Marriage Matters
Counsel for Couples Training Workshop
Location: The Venue at Parkside Church (7100 Pettibone Rd., Chagrin Falls 44023)
Start Time: Sat 6, April 2019, noon
End Time: Sat 6, April 2019, 5 p.m.
Equipping you for Pre-Marital and Marriage Ministry
Do you ever feel ill-equipped or ill-prepared for the work of pre-marital or marriage counseling? On April 6th, there will be a 1/2 day workshop that will help orient you to the broad and basic principles of biblical marriage counseling, and help equip you with some practical resources for counseling. There will be times of teaching, small group discussion, and question and answer. The event will be held in the Venue at Parkside Church from 9am-2pm.
This workshop is for anyone- pastors, elders, pre-marital couples, marriage mentors, lay counselors -- who work alongside couples in the church.
Each couple (or individual if you attend alone) will receive a copy of Jonathan Holmes' new book, Counsel for Couples: A Biblical and Practical Guide for Marriage Counseling. The cost is $20 per individual or $40 per couple* with a continental breakfast and lunch provided. Scholarships are available upon request. Email info@fieldstonecounseling.org for information.
*This event is free to Parkside marriage and pre-marital lay counselors and Parkside members who are interested in potentially becoming a lay counselor. Click the Register button below and enter the promotional code PARKSIDEBAINBRIDGE (case sensitive). For more information, contact Parkside Church at 440-543-1212.