Marriage Matters
Gospel-Shaped Marriage Workshop 2023
Location: The Commons at Parkside Church (7100 Pettibone Rd., Chagrin Falls 44023)
Start Time: Sat 11, Feb. 2023, 9 a.m.
End Time: Sat 11, Feb. 2023, 3:30 p.m.
No matter your situation - single, married, engaged, dating, or simply looking to prayerfully support your married friends or family - we invite you to join us on February 11 (9:00am-3:30pm), for a marriage workshop with Chad and Emily Van Dixhoorn. Chad and Emily reside in Pennsylvania where he is professor of church history at Westminister Theological Seminary and she is an author, Bible study leader, and stay-at-home mom. They have five children. Together they have written a book called “Gospel-Shaped Marriage” that comes highly recommended by Alistair Begg as one of his favorite marriage books. The conference will include a time led by Emily for the women, and a time led by Chad for the men, as well as a Q&A.
Registration Details
The cost is $40 per couple or $20 per individual and includes beverages, lunch and workshop materials. Scholarships are available by contacting Linn at the church office (440) 543-1212. Please note that childcare will not be provided.