Premarital Counseling

Premarital Counseling

Congratulations on your recent engagement! At Parkside, we are committed to God's design for marriage as described in the Bible. We take seriously our responsibilities as a church and as pastors in the wedding process, both before and after the
wedding day.

Before contacting us, please take a few minutes to read through the following:

  1. FAQs
  2. Principles
  3. Timeline

These will help answer your preliminary questions, and when you are ready, please get in touch with Renee Pecek, our premarital counseling coordinator.


Recent Blog Posts

  • Getting Started with Premarital Counseling

    You are probably here because you have recently become engaged or are considering marriage and want to get married at Parkside Church.

    Please first read through the tabs to learn more about wedding process at Parkside Church: FAQPrinciplesTimeline

    Then contact the premarital counseling ministry assistant at the church to get started. Call 440.543.1212.


Renee Pecek