Parkside Church


Recent Blogposts

  • PKS Membership Course - September

    The Parkside Membership Course is a three-week series that gives an overview of who we are and what we believe as a church. The course meets on the first three Sundays of each month, except for certain holiday Sundays. The classes do not need to be completed sequentially and you do not need to pre-register to attend. This is a great course for those looking to become members as well as those interested in finding out more about Parkside Church. The next series of classes begins Sunday, September 11th, at 10:30am in Room B208. 

  • Baptism 101 Course - September

    The baptism course usually meets the first two Sundays of most months (except for certain holiday weekends or breaks). The next series of our baptism classes will begin September 11th in Room B208 at 9:00am. The second class will take place on September 18th at the same time and location. You must take the classes in order. There is no need to sign-up in advance or pre-register.

  • 2022 Christmas Concert Choir

    Preparations are underway for the 2022 Parkside Christmas Concerts on Dec 8-11. We are seeking 56 Choir vocalists to participate in a small choir which will sing in the second half of this program. Vocalists must be able to sing confidently within in a small section. Learn more and register for email updates >

  • Event

    Women of the Word Workshop

    Location: Venue
    Start Time: Sat 20, Aug. 2022, 9 a.m.
    End Time: Sat 20, Aug. 2022, 12:30 p.m.

    All women are invited to a half day workshop where we will examine ways to help you understand the Bible as you seek to study and apply God's Word to your life. Learn more and register at


  • Baptism Course - Summer Break

    Baptism Course will not be offered during the month of August but will resume September 11th and 18th  for the next two-part series.

  • Event

    Embracing Family August Informational Luncheon

    Location: A226
    Start Time: Sun 7, Aug. 2022, 11:45 a.m.
    End Time: Sun 7, Aug. 2022, 1:30 p.m.

    For those who have fostered, adopted or are interested in either, join other families for an informational meeting and a time of encouragement, support, and prayer.  A light lunch will be provided for those attending. Please RSVP to Bonnie Warnky at

  • Transit Summer Series

    If you’re between the ages of 18-35, home from college for the summer, or new to Parkside and looking for a place to connect with others, meet new friends, and grow in your faith, there’s no better time to get plugged in to Transit, our ministry to young adults. 

    In a calendar year, Transit will reach anywhere from 150-200 people, some single, some married, and most of whom will have significant life questions arise during their years participating in this ministry: Should I go to college? Go to graduate school? Should I date this person? Get married? Take this job? 

  • Thank you for a great VBC week!

    Space Probe 2022 flew by at lightning speed, and we cannot believe our week has come to an end! We experienced so many fun moments with our Astronauts and Squadron Leaders. A highlight for everyone was when our Space Probe Assistant Zero SP2022 (SPAZ) was fully repaired and functioned at 100% capacity in time for our shuttle crew launch on Friday. We are thankful for the clear Bible truths about our Creator, our sin, and our Savior that were proclaimed to the children throughout the week.

  • Membership Course Summer Break

    Membership Course will not be offered during the months of July and August but will resume September 11th, 18th and 25th for the next series.

  • Baptism 101 Course - July

    The baptism course usually meets the first two Sundays of most months (except for certain holiday weekends or breaks). The next series of our baptism classes will begin July 10th in Room B208 at 9:00am. The second class will take place on July 17th at the same time and location. You must take the classes in order. There is no need to sign-up in advance or pre-register.