Special Needs
Faithful Friends Teen/Young Adult (age range varies)
Meets on Sundays from 10:30-11:30am in room B015.
Faithful Friends Teen is our Special Needs Ministry for older youth and young adults. We pray that you will know the love of Christ in real ways as we care for your loved one.
Due to staffing and safety requirements for Special Needs Ministry, we ask new families to register in advance before visiting. Please follow the steps below.
- Please read, fill out, and submit the Faithful Friends Teens Registration before attending our special needs class so that we can plan for each person's unique needs.
- For your family member's first week(s), we ask that one parent/caregiver attends WITH your family member. This helps us all discern how we can most effectively minister to your family while continuing to meet the needs of those currently in the ministry. This also helps the family member with special needs adjust to our classroom routine.
- After the initial week(s) in the classroom, our team will confirm with you about leaving your child and attending worship. We'll talk about ways we can page you, if necessary, on a Sunday morning.