Community Groups
Community Groups Fall 2020
Start Time: Mon 14, Sept. 2020, 6:30 p.m.
End Time: Fri 21, May 2021, 6:30 p.m.
Community Groups will begin meeting after the summer break starting the week of September 14th and will be studying the book of Philippians. Our groups, led by one or more members, are typically composed of 10-20 people and are designed to be a smaller place for people to study the Bible, pray and develop meaningful relationships with others. The groups typically are organized by community and meet twice a month during the week.
Due to the unique circumstances of our present situation, the groups are meeting in a variety of formats including in-person, exclusively online, at the church or some combination. We encourage you to consider becoming a part of a community group this fall but you can also join at any time.
To find a group in your community and to get more information, please go to the Community Group finder at parksidechurch.com/communitygroups.