High School Students
Students Help With Thanksgiving Box Project
Start Time: Sat 23, Nov. 2024, 8:30 a.m.
End Time: Sat 23, Nov. 2024, 1 p.m.
Every year Parkside Church partners with Scranton Road Bible Church for the Thanksgiving Box Project.
On the Saturday before Thanksgiving, we distribute turkeys and boxes full of food to those who otherwise would not be able to enjoy a meal. Our hope is that this will be a practical way to consider all that the Lord has blessed us with and how we have been called to bless others with what we have been given for the sake of God’s Kingdom.
Prepare a Box with Your Small Group: As a way of taking part in this ministry, each student ministry small group will be asked to contribute a complete box. The required contents are listed here and each group member can volunteer to bring an item. Students should see their small group leaders to sign up for an item and plan to bring the item to Student Impact by November 19th.
Distribute the Meals: Join us Saturday November 23, from 10am-12pm, at Scranton Road Bible Church (SRBC) for the distribution. Students can meet at the Warehouse at 8:30am and ride to SRBC with their small group leaders. Once boxes have been distributed, we’ll grab lunch (bring money for lunch!) and be back at The Warehouse around 1pm.