High School Students

High School Students


World Changers 2025

Location: Cleveland, OH
Start Time: Sat 5, July 2025, 1 p.m.
End Time: Fri 11, July 2025, 11 p.m.

What is World Changers?

World Changers is designed to give students a mission experience that opens their eyes to similar opportunities they may have to serve in their own communities, learning to live life each day on mission! During the day you will be challenged and stretched as individuals; in the evenings, you’ll have an opportunity to build group unity over dinner, worship, fellowship, and church group devotions.

Click here to watch the recap video from World Changers 2024!


Participation on this trip includes a commitment to attend team meetings on:

  • Sunday, March 16  l  11:45am  l  The Venue
  • Sunday, May 18  l  11:45am  l  The Venue **Parent attendance required
  • Tuesday, July 1  l  6:30pm  l  Parkside Patio


The Details

  • Why: To fulfill the greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and the Great Commision (Matthew 28:19-20)
  • Who: Students completing grades 6-12
  • When: Saturday, July 5 to Friday night, July 11
  • Where: Cleveland, OH
  • Cost: $329
  • How: Apply by Saturday, April 26 at parksidechurch.com/wc. A $50 deposit is required with the application to reserve your spot.
  • Questions about the trip or registration: Contact Renee Kearney at rkearney@parksidechurch.com or 440-543-1212.


What else should I know about the 2025 trip?

  • There will be two ministry tracks: construction and church planting.
  • Attendance at ALL team meetings is required. There is advanced preparation our teams will do to prepare for ministry during the week. Participants must attend all team meetings unless you submit in writing to Cameron or Renee why you have to miss. Meeting schedule listed above. 
  • We have a limited number of spots available. Applications submitted by the April 26 deadline will be considered. Anyone asking to join the team after April 26 will be determined on space availability and reason for application delay. 
  • Payments on TouchPoint: Our church database system allows you to pay your deposit when you register, but it will also allow your supporters or parents to donate online toward your trip at a later time.
  • A typical day: You can find a schedule for what a typical day looks like for a 7 day trip here (we will be leaving Friday night opposed to Saturday morning).
  • View the Packing List.