Missions at Parkside
Parkside Church short-term mission projects are designed to give people an inside look at what God is doing worldwide. We partner with our missionaries in 7-14 day projects that range from medical/dental work to construction. Our hope is that these projects would not only help to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people around the world, but also serve the larger work of our missionaries, opening doors for them to minister more effectively. Furthermore, we pray that those who travel on these trips might come home with a renewed zeal to take Christ to the people in their own neighborhoods.
If you'd like to get involved, we have a few trips coming up for 2018 as well as an opportunity to meet with Chris and Leanne Harrington, who have been on assignment in Japan.
Here's a quick look at what's coming up:
2018 Mexico Short-term Missions Trip
We will be sending a dental missions team to Oaxaca, Mexico, January 20-28, 2018. Dentists and hygienists are needed, but non-medical people are also welcome.
Trip applications are due August 6.
Missions Moment with Chris & Leanne Harrington
Come and greet Parkside missionaries Chris & Leanne Harrington on Sunday, August 13 at 9:45 am in the Venue. They are on their first home assignment since moving to Japan to serve with SEND and will be sharing an update on their ministry.
2018 Japan Short-term Missions Trip
We will hold an informational meeting on Sunday, August 13 for anyone interested in being part of a missions trip to Japan in July 2018. The meeting will take place at 11:15 am in the Venue.
We're compiling a ministry team to provide childcare, music, and a sound technician for the annual conference that SEND holds for its missionaries in Japan. The team will work in conjuction with Parkside missionaries, Chris & Leanne Harrington.
Trip applications are due September 5.
For more information about missions at Parkside, contact Pastor Dan Larison at dlarison@parksidechurch.com.
To apply for any of the trips, contact Jacque at jrplatek@parksidechurch.com.