Parkside News
Recent Blogposts
Pics from First Building Project on Pettibone
Perhaps you have had the experience of finding something of interest buried in a closet? We came across these aerial pictures of the initial build on the Pettibone property that started in 1991.
Building into the Next Generation Information Meetings
We have planned several meetings, led by our Elders, for you to attend and hear where we sense God is leading us as a church.
Recap: Another Important Day for Us as a Church
This past Sunday, our church family took another step toward envisioning Parkside’s future by introducing the booklet, Building Into the Next Generation: Extending our Reach for Gospel Growth.
In his sermon, A Call to Commitment, Alistair helped anchor the ideas presented in the booklet by asking the question, “Are you all in?” The implication being, are we, like the church in Romans 12:1-2, willing to give up our time, resources, energy, and all of our life to God for the sake of the Gospel?
60 Days of Praying
During the months of January and February we are seeking God's guidance and asking Him to renew our passion for the Gospel as we look to the future and what God has planned for us as a church.